How to Prepare for the Apocalypse

Do you remember the day the sun didn’t rise over the Bay Area? The smoke from massive wildfires had gathered to smother the sky. Moments before logging onto the morning’s zoom school, my kids and I peered out the window into darkness, feeling as if we were trapped in an endless night. Pictures could not do justice to the surreal twilight of the day. Even at high noon the skies were as dim and orange as dusk.

That was the day I decided I’d better re-read the book of Revelation (AKA the Apocalypse).  The pragmatic part of me needed to know: how on earth should I prepare–just in case, you know, 2020 turned out to be the End of the World?

Well, friend, rest assured. While the book of the Apocalypse does not tell us the day or the hour, it certainly offers many clear directions about how to get ready. In fact, there’s never a bad day to repent and return to what’s most important to God’s heart!

Caption: How to Prepare for the Apocalypse
Picture of a backpack
1. Picture of a radio. Caption: He who has ears let him hear
2. Picture of a map. Caption: Return to your first love.
3. Picture of a whistle. Caption: Wake up!
4. Picture of a compass. Caption: Don't get lost.
5. Picture of a bottle of water. Caption: Stay pure.
6. Picture of rope. Caption: Hold fast until Jesus comes.

What’s Your Survival Style?

The book of Revelation opens with the apostle John’s glorious vision of the resurrected Christ, who sends seven urgent letters of warning and encouragement to the seven churches of Asia.  I’ll bet you recognize the types (click on any image to enlarge):

If you’re like the churches in Smyrna or Philadelphia, take courage and hold fast. Otherwise, if you’re like the rest of us, it’s time to turn around!

Step 1: Return to Your First Love

Dear one, do you remember how much God loves you?

Have your tasks and duties, your debates and critiques, prevented you from simply sitting, like Mary, at Jesus’ feet?

Return to your first love.  

Return to the Love who covers and completes you.  Return to the Love who makes your cup overflow.  

2020 has shown me how poorly I have cared for others around me: how long I have ignored the cries for racial justice, how easily I take for granted the nameless workers who risk their health to keep my life going, how little I understand the needs of those who are different, how quickly I judge those who vote another way.  It’s not that I didn’t care before, it’s just that I didn’t take the time to know.

Return with me.  Return to the Love who takes action.  Return to the Love who forgives.  Return to the God who is Love and to the only way to love Him back: by caring for strangers, serving the vulnerable, and loving even our enemies.

Step 2: Fix Your Eyes on Your One and Only

Do you, like me, sometimes let other voices crowd out the voice of God? 

Christ wants to be not only your First Love but also your One and Only.

Set yourself apart for Him, body and soul. 

2020 has been a year of deep division and polarization within our nation and within the American church.  I’ve felt the strong pull to run toward one end of the political spectrum and to condemn the voices of the other side.  I’ve felt the urge to argue and to rant.  I’ve felt the shame of being called out and the fear of being cancelled.  I’ve felt the pressure of metamorphosis, forcing me to question myself, my understanding of history, even my theology.

Return with me to the One and Only. In the midst of many voices, let the Word of God be your truth. You cannot force God’s kingdom upon others, but you can choose to let Christ be your own King. Set yourself apart as one who is holy and wholly for Him.

Step 3: Hold on Tight

It’s not easy to love as God loves or to follow Him without compromise. It’s not easy to surrender our wills and our bodies and our lives to His care.

It’s much easier to ignore, to assimilate, to judge, and to fear.

In these viciously partisan days, there is an incredibly strong push to choose your side–Left or Right, Donkey or Elephant.  However, Christians must serve neither.  As my pastor Marco Ambriz recently preached, the book of Revelation reminds us that our only loyalty is to Jesus, the Lamb who was slain; and the direction that He leads us is Down, in humility, servanthood, and surrender.

Hold fast to God’s love and hold fast to Jesus. Vote, friend, with the power God has given you. But no matter the outcome, no matter who is on the world’s throne, remember that you serve a different King. And no power on earth can stop you from living out His call to love and holiness!

Ready for More?

Don’t just take my word for it. For more about Apocalypse-preparedness, please check out the book of Revelation for yourself.

These two videos by the Bible Project also give a fascinating overview:

May you live deeply and love deeply, friend!

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